Vote YES on King County Proposition 1

Vote YES on King County Proposition 1

April 14, 2023 0

Let’s talk about the April 25th election!

You should have received your ballot in the mail by now. If you haven’t already, contact King County Elections ASAP and request a replacement ballot (more important voter registration and deadline details below.) 

If you’re anything like me, election time is one of the most wonderful times of the year. Maybe, hopefully, you have other, more exciting special interests and are aware that voting is important and that your vote matters and impacts us all. 

Either way, I’m excited to tell you about King County Proposition 1. Not just because this is a critically important opportunity to establish walk-in behavioral health care centers, residential treatment which would result in life saving resources that are easily accessible across King County, but because this is Tahoma Values’ first endorsement! 

KC Prop 1 encompasses several of the core values Tahoma Values is advocating for in our community. Tahoma Values strongly supports multiple avenues to mental health and addiction recovery. This is critically important not just to our community as a whole, but to young learners. Expanding access and opportunities for crisis and short-term care options is one of the only pathways to equitable care that we all need and deserve.

Per the Yes on King County Prop 1 website:

The problem:

Our County is without a walk-in behavioral health urgent care facility leaving many cycling through emergency care, jails, and homelessness. Treatment beds continue to decline, and people are waiting an average of 44 days for a mental health residential bed as of last year. Behavioral health needs are on the rise while the workforce continues to decrease.

The Solution

A regional coalition of emergency responders, behavioral health workers, local governments, businesses, and community leaders came together to propose KC Prop 1 on the April 25th ballot. Prop 1 invests in a countywide network of five crisis care centers, maintains and restores the number of residential treatment beds, and supports the recruitment and retention of our community behavioral health workforce in the region. 

KC Prop 1 creates a place for people to go and receive lifesaving care, meets the needs of our growing community, and supports a path to recovery. 


For $121 per year for the average homeowner we can: 

  • Establish five crisis care centers, including a center dedicated to serving youth Maintain and restore residential treatment beds 
  • Grow the behavioral health workforce with career pathways and equitable wages 
  • Provide immediate services to meet our immediate needs


  • Make sure to VOTE by April 25th
  • Donate to the Yes on KC Prop 1 Campaign
  • Volunteer for one of several upcoming text banking sessions:

Wednesday, April 19 @ 5:30-7:00pm – Texting South King!
Monday, April 24 @ 5:30-7:00pm – Final GOTV Push!

RSVP on Facebook:
Zoom Link:

Please, vote YES on King County Proposition 1 to create live saving resources for community members in crisis.

Thank you for being deeply committed to our community and taking the time to vote!

Important Elections Information: 

If you’re not sure if you’re registered to vote, check here. You can register online here or register by mail here. If you have moved, you need to update your registration here.

Deadlines for the April 25th Special Election:

April 17th: Online, by mail registrations and updated registrations must be received.

April 25th: Register to vote in person by 8 pm at King County Elections located at 919 SW Grady Way, Renton, WA 90857

ELECTION DAY! Make sure to drop off your ballot by 8 pm

Ballots must be dropped off at any King County Elections drop box by 8am.

Maple Valley has two drop boxes:

Hobart Food Market
20250 276th Avenue SE
Maple Valley, WA 98038

The parking lot of Tahoma School District Building
25720 Maple Valley-Black Diamond Rd SE
Maple Valley, WA 98038