2023 Election – Day 3 Update

2023 Election – Day 3 Update

by TV3
November 10, 2023 0

by Jenn Askew

After the first day of results were published on Tuesday night, we released an article analyzing the numbers. I’m not going to rehash all of the math here, so go back to that article to see what I’m doing here. Today I am only focusing on the two close races: Matt Carreon vs Patrick Peacock in Tahoma, and Leslie Hamada vs Donald Cook in Kent.

For a full rundown of all of the results, check out the County website or the Secretary of State’s site.

In Tahoma, these are the updated results in the three contested races:

PositionNameVotes heldVote %
3Malia Hollowell 4,88063.2%
3Stephen “Dutch” Deutschman 2,81936.5%
4Pete Miller4,18654.1%
4Vincent Powell3,52745.7%
5Matt Carreon3,93450.95%
5Patrick Peacock3,76748.80%

And in Kent, these are the updated results in the two contested races:

PositionNameVotes HeldVote %
2Andy Carter8,06940.9%
2Meghin Margel11,59058.7%
3Leslie Kae Hamada9,71749.9%
3Donald Cook9,64349.5%


The total counted ballots right now in Tahoma stands at 8,204 (though only 7,721 voted in the Matt vs Patrick race).

Matt vs Patrick

Carreon had a 218 vote lead over Peacock in the day one count, and is now down to a 167 vote lead. Using the same math from Tuesday, if 10,690 total votes are cast in this election and 2,486 have yet to be counted, Patrick now would need 53.4% of the remaining votes to win this race vs 52.3% on Tuesday:

NameVotes heldNew votes to win% of remaining votes to win

And if there are 13,760 total votes are cast, Patrick would need 51.5% of the remaining votes to win, which is barely changed from Tuesday’s 51.4%:

NameVotes heldNew votes to win% of remaining votes to win


22,095 votes have currently been counted in the Kent races, with 19,849 voting in the Leslie vs Donald race.

Leslie vs Donald

This race has gotten even closer, with only a 74 vote lead held by Hamada. She had a 304 vote lead over Cook after the first day’s count. With 31,940 total votes cast, Donald Cook would need 50.4% of the uncounted votes to take the lead in this race:

NameVotes heldNew votes to win% of remaining votes to win

If there are 35,515 votes cast, Donald would need 50.3% of the remaining vote to win:

NameVotes heldNew votes to win% of remaining votes to win

When Will We Know?

The elections department will release new results every day by 4:30pm. In the past, the results by the first Friday after the election have been pretty reliable, but it should be noted that the terrorist mail attack on the Renton facility on Wednesday has slowed their usual progress. Official certification happens three weeks after the election, on November 28.

This article was written by a member of the Tahoma Values Team. Do you have an article, letter to the editor, or statement you would like to publish on our site? Please contact Tahoma Values at TahomaValues@gmail.com