Letter from a Concerned Tahoma Parent regarding the Bryan Neyers Case

Letter from a Concerned Tahoma Parent regarding the Bryan Neyers Case

by TV3
August 15, 2023 0

This is a reprint of an email that Amanda Gates, a Tahoma parent and former PTO president, recently sent to district administrators and the school board. This email was provided to us by its author and we are publishing it in full.

Urgent Concerns and Demand for Immediate Action Regarding Student Safety

Dear Mike and Members of the TSD School Board,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my deep concerns regarding recent revelations brought to light by the investigative report about the alarming case of Bryan Neyers, a former paraeducator within the Tahoma School District. The report sheds light on a deeply troubling situation where repeated warnings and signs of inappropriate behavior were ignored, resulting in an extreme breach of trust in the safety and well-being of our students. Of particular concern to me is the negligence displayed at Rock Creek Elementary School, where John Schuster and Chris Thomas are implicated in disregarding and brushing off multiple complaints about Neyers’ behavior. This disregard for the safety and welfare of students is unacceptable and undermines the confidence parents place in the school administration to provide a secure learning environment. 

Given the gravity of this situation, I strongly urge you to take immediate and decisive action: 

Terminate Employment: I earnestly request that Chris Thomas and John Schuster be terminated from their positions at Rock Creek Elementary School effective immediately. Their inability to address and properly investigate complaints about inappropriate behavior is a clear indication that they are not suitable for overseeing student safety and well-being. As a parent, I do not trust them with the safety of my children. It is paramount that individuals who are entrusted with the safety of children demonstrate the highest level of integrity and responsibility. Chris Thomas and John Schuster have proved that they are unable to provide that. Reassess Policies: The Neyers case highlights the need for a thorough review of district policies and procedures related to staff conduct, student safety, and the reporting of concerns. It is imperative that a comprehensive and effective protocol be put in place to ensure the safety of our students. 

Accountability: Those who were in a position of authority and failed to address the concerns raised by co-workers and parents must be held accountable for their actions. This accountability is essential to rebuild the trust that has been eroded.

Transparency: As a nominated voice for parents, we are concerned and we request transparency regarding the steps being taken to address this issue and prevent similar situations from arising in the future. Open communication is crucial to restoring faith in the district’s commitment to student safety. 

 My primary concern is the safety, well-being, and emotional security of my children while they are under the care of the school system. I believe that immediate action is necessary to address this breach of trust and to ensure that no child is ever put in a vulnerable position again due to negligence or disregard. I respectfully implore you to take these concerns seriously and act swiftly to address them. As parents and stakeholders in our community’s education system, we look to you for leadership, accountability, and unwavering commitment to protecting our children. 

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I eagerly await your response and the actions you will take to restore my faith in the district’s dedication to the safety of our students. 

 Sincerely, Amanda Gates

This article was written by a community member and provided to the Tahoma Values website. Do you have an article you would like to publish on our site? Please contact Tahoma Values at TahomaValues@gmail.com