Girls’ Generation Robotics Competition

Girls’ Generation Robotics Competition

by TV3
October 13, 2022 0

This past weekend THS and the Bear Metal Robotics Club hosted the Girls’ Gen Robotics competition. 30 teams from all over Western Washington participated, including a team from our own Bear Metal 2046!

Drive team preparing for a match

Girls Gen is an opportunity for girls and LGBTQ+ members of the robotics club to take over all aspects of a robotics competition, from driving the robot to pit crew. Girls Gen is one of several off season events that Bear Metal participates in, using the same robot that was used in the spring 2022 competition season. This year 10 girls from the Tahoma Robotics club competed, with everyone getting the opportunity to drive. The club also hosted the competition at THS, with huge amounts of volunteer support.

Amelia Bearheart, the 2022 competition season robot

Bear Metal Robotics are supported by the Tahoma School District, the THS ASB, several sponsors including Boeing and OSPI, as well as the Bear Metal Robotics Booster Club. For more info about the club, including upcoming competitions, visit their website here.